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指数:2 人气:
一个自由呼吸的空间, 拥有积极向上不受约束的精神, 不满足婚纱摄影行业目前的的畸状,厌恶机
A space to breathe freely , sky's the limit. Embedded with a positive vision and unchained creativity
we are dedicated to break the norm in the wedding photography industry, where mechanical working
routines and tedious replicating are pervasive. We make the efforts to establish a proper consumer
我们努力做到纯粹, 它是一种态度,一种境界,在流行被复制、叠加、堆砌的今天,越纯粹,越唯一
越值得珍惜 。聆听来自你我心底的声音,做最真实的自己。当浮华褪尽幸福上场。时光纪给你纯粹的
The pursuit of pureness is an attitude, a state of being, its uniqueness and singularityare worthy
of cherish, when fashion is constantly replicated and superimposed. Listen to the voice from the
bottom of your heart, be yourself with complete honesty. As vanity dims happiness emerges from
the horizon. Let time marks your pure touched moments.
Fashionable but not kitschy , high profile but not imposing. Every shoot rests on the shoulder
of mutual trust;every picture captures a solly pure moment of a peaceful soul. We pave our way
to classic , we pursue the congruity of your ensation, as we are determined that beauty lasts
only when art is integrated.
上一篇:小磊&时光印象影音工作室 下一篇:乌兰浩特市金夫人艺术婚纱摄影楼丽致会馆