腾讯娱乐讯 6月23日晚,男神吴彦祖深夜晒出福利照,身处健身房的他,穿着紧身无袖t恤,头戴棒球帽,健硕的手臂一览无余。他在微博写道:“I am not Sunny, he's a character I play and in order to play him well it takes a lot of work. That means 。”
看到吴彦祖的健身照,网友回复道:“不能因为你帅就乱来啊,大晚上的还让不让睡觉了 !”
标签: 性感 腾讯娱乐讯 6月23日晚,男神吴彦祖深夜晒出福利照,身处健身房的他,穿着紧身无袖t恤,头戴棒球帽,健硕的手臂一览无余。他在微博写道:“I am not Sunny, he's a character I play and in order to play him well it takes a lot of work. That means 。”
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